Saturday 7/9/22
I woke up and drove to Logan, Utah at like 8:45am to spend the weekend with my best friend mckayla! When I got there she told me there was a boy from Provo also driving up to hang out with us (idk why we didn't drive up together hahaha but oh well)

She said he is on the BYU soccer team and his name is Caleb and he is coming up right then and we are all going to bear lake when he gets here.


When he was like 30 min away I was getting a little worried bc we had never met this guy and I was like Mckayla what if this guy is weird we are stuck with him all day hahaha.

GUESS WHAT he wasn't weird!! He was a lotttt of fun.

So when he got to Logan we all drove to bear lake, I drove us all up.

Before we left we were talking about getting pulled over and I said I had never gotten pulled over (so keep that in mind for later)

We were driving to the beach part of bear lake and I drove passed a police and I was like "shoot idk what the speed limit is and idk how fast I was going"

We passed the cop and I was like phew we are good. THEN RIGHT AFTER I SAID THAT the cop flips around and starts headed up to my car with his lights on...

I was like no way am I being pulled over... Mckayla and Caleb were like nat I think you are pull over. so I pull over we are all freaking out, Mckayla is about to cry and THEN the cop went around me AND PULLED OVER THE GUY IN FRONT OF ME HAHAHAHAHA
so funny tho

we got to the beach went swimming it wasn't too cold it was a lot of fun!

Caleb also sat in this nasty hole it was funny

and of courseee I made us go to the chevron and get raspberry shakes (they have the best ones by far)

even got to see dads crime scene where he stole ice in the middle of the night!

That night we went back to Logan, we got some pizza which was fun.

Caleb ordered a calzone and he told me he was like im getting this calzone but it has black olives in it... hopefully I can tolerate the olives. I told him to just ask for it without and he said thats annoying hahaha.

So we get our food and he cuts open his calzone and it is just fulllll of tons of black olives hahahah it was so funny I was like huh maybe you should've asked for none:)

After that we went back to Mckaylas apartment and we did a talent show hahahahaha it was funny 

Then we went for a walk in the dark around the USU campus. 

Then to finish our night we watched the Zac Efron Ted Bundy movie hahaha it was pretty good. 

such a good weekend trip. 


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