my good luck (knock on wood)

my good luck (knock on wood)

hello hello 

ive had an unusual amount of good luck this week.. waiting for the downfall LETS HOPE NOT!

first ill just do some fun friend highlights

hung out with my friend Sarah and Emma and we saw a guy who Brooklyn from Brooklyn and Bailey used to date (if you didnt know those girls were my favorite youtubers in middle school I was obsessed with them) so naturally we had to take some secret pictures of him of course..

I think we did a good job capturing him

the next day Emma and I went to velor (just a place for concerts for smaller bands) it was battle of the bands and we went with some friends and it was so fun :)

then I went to tour the Saratoga Springs temple with some friends
my friends are so cute

I was able to go to a little retreat thing with my friends elayna! it was called 'the every body retreat' and there was a lot of speakers (like some therapists and a personal trainer and stuff) and they talked all about body positivity and intuitive eating and stuff! it was really good! definitely helped me a bit with some of my own personal struggles with eating and recovering from my eating disorder! so good! 

at the end of the day they had flowers and we all got to make our own bouquet and it was so cute

also heres a cute picture of elayna and a little girl I cut out of a magazine 😍😍

a lot of Sundays I go to Marys house and hang with her and her boys, she's like family here. 

while I was at her house this Sunday I got an exciting and unexpected text...

this girl is so talented and successful and im so excited to be her assistant. working like 4 days a week with her! so so excited:)

^^some amazing luck this week

Mary immediately went and got ice cream so we could celebrate, she's the best

then also another exciting (hopefully long lasting) thing happened I dont wanna say too much so I dont jinx it lol but there's a boy 

and heres the tiny home he's building

thats all im gonna say rn ;) text me for more details hehe


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